Thursday, April 24, 2008


I've had inconsistent week. I've got sad news, but also good news. And own life is better than average.

Anyway, our loved grandad - pappa Pauli passed away on Tuesday evening, alone in the hospital room in Mikkeli. He was old, 87 yrs, and had various old people's diseases. Though it wasn't predictable, somehow it's relieving - thank you Pappa for all the things in life.

Tuesday was also my father's 55th birthday - that made the day even more inconsistent. I got congratulated my dad in late afternoon, and early evening Dad delivered the sad news to me.

More good news came with right to make "maturity exam", which is the last exam the finnish university student will do before graduating. I did it also on Tuesday. Yesterday was also fun, I was substitute teacher in school, music classes, it was just good: youngsters and I were training for Spring Festival (last school day 31th of May). The song was Let it be. We had drums, 2 synthesizer (violins) , 2 pianos and singer. All the kids more or less disabled. Sounded good once again.

Today I'm meeting my dear auntie (mom's sister) who is going to be 60 soon. She is still active in finance field, though she is retired. She has some meeting during morning and later on we will spend a nice day in the city, tomorrow more relaxing day in the city.

We will visit most probably museums: Amos Anderson museum has an exhibition about Pompeiji - its called Domus Pompeiana. Then there is possibilities to visit Museum of Cultures, where is an exhibition about Karelia:

"The extensive exhibition presents people living across Finland’s eastern border and the Finns’ relationship with them in the tumultuous 20th century. The history of the multicultural area and the destinies and identities of minorities continue to be topical issues in East Karelia as anywhere else in the world."

My friends has also suggested to visit The Finnish Museum of Photography. There is a exhibition of newspaper photos. Here is a good exemple what to wait.

Anyway, now I'm off to those places. Hopefully I get at least to some museum, not shopping all day.

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