Monday, May 28, 2007

you saw her bathing on the roof

well, weekend has been full of things. Shows after shows. Small moments when I realize that (f*ck, I said most stupid things in days: sorry for all involved.) I should carry on.

Well, what has happened. I have had a row of partying days. Not that I have been really partying, but this all started on Wednesday when s/V Estelle had a party on that other boat Wäiski. There was music (Telluksen tulevaisuus and Superchrist mostly) but also theater by Poleemi. Marjorie was with me, and she was drunk, so I needed to follow her a bit. Next day t work was a killer. I went there at 8am and had terrible head-ache for all the time. It didn't help to think about next show on Thursday.

On Thu we had our organizations (FOAM) spring fest with just good music, dance and booze. I did too difficult questions to the Music Quiz, some people knew them, but after all, all the people laughed a bit. After cleaning we had sauna at Mannerheimintie with closest workers/members of FOAM.

Works again on Friday, had terrible days lately at work, dont know whats that. But in the evening I was informed that my landlord will visit my flat on Saturday morning -- I needed to clean up the flat fastly. Then I was pondering what should I do. I was sending sms's until I decided to drop by fastly to Piritta, where these young people (if I am not then...) were taking over "illegally" the premises. There was also a bigger plot before but police came to end the occupying. Somehow I could liked to stay there, but I had promised to Kaisa to take drinks with her in any way - whether she gets or not to the exam to get into applied art school.

I was at home early. Weekend went in Maailmakylässä (Global Village) festivities. I got burned and it was raining until my underwear were wet as well. Wasn't nice.

Shows in Yesterday in a row were: Gjallarhorn, Kari Tapio, Placebo and the nature. The best show --- I have to say, was offered by the nature. After Placebo gig, we all came out from Ice hall and it was raining really heavily, feelings were killed in a second. Though the lightning in the sky was even more beautiful than any concert lights lately. It was unbeliveable to see all these black-dressed people to walk in wet landscape. Trams were full, they didn't even stop to take us. We walked to the gas station, bought some food and coffee and ordered a Taxi.

At home I was watching Taken -- but also a window, which was full of beautiful show. It took long to get over that. (But the thing which I havent get over yet, should be discussed.)

All's well. I keep on listening Jeff Buckley's Grace album. What a feeling he has.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I pulled the black from the grey

It just happened, I wasn't aware, no one didn't gave me even a small hint what was coming. I knew, I heard rumours, I saw the new design. Desert kept growing in me. Until yesterday I did realize, that there might be change to bring real love back. From the last time I really fell in love.

First I thought it was a pioneer. I couldn't do anything. I tried to look after more. More hints all over the places. It might be coming to your way sooner than you can expect. Myspace is a full of answers. New stuff coming soon. Then someone said, that they will be close. Closer than ever. Where's all the money. I need to buy tickets to Stockholm. I need to be there with.

I did something I haven't done in months. Opened my bittorrent to ease the pain. I was longing for this all. To see those same faces again. To see and hear the peaceful voice of. To hear the beat as a heart. And besides all, to here the knocking guitar in the hands of someone who knows how to hypnotize with rhythm.

So what happened. Interpol will release their 3rd album after 3 yrs of silence. I got The Heinrich Maneuver from web, and youtube offered me a moments with tears. In the end of June they will be in Stockholm. I am there again. Like I spend most expensive holiday in September 2004 in Amsterdam, just by going to see guys.

Geeh. I am back to the level of 5yrs.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

FOAM förevisar Kevätjuhla 24.5.2007

nyt väsyttää

Jotenkin oon saanu taas itteni tilanteeseen, mihin en oo halunnu sitten viime kevään. Ihmiset tuntuvat kyselevän tyhmiä, itselle kun asiat ovat selviä. Lisäksi yleinen "en ehi"-mielentila valtaa muita. Ite ehtisin viistoistakertaa enemmän vaikka oonki sairaana. Tuntuu taas, että mussa on vika, kun en oo ns. normaali.

Ei tässä mitään. Oon kattokaas ihanstunu ja ykspuolisesti tottakai. Mut mikään ei estä vetämästä ranteita auki kaiken maailman idioottien vuoksi. Kaikki ideat lytätään eikä apua saa. Kyllä nää ystävät on semmosia että. No mutta pakko sanoo, että järjestys on viimesen vuoden aikana menny niin uusiks, että en mä enää tiedä miten joidenkin kanssa olis. Elämän eri arvot on nousseet esille.

No mikä tilitys tää on: kaikkihan johtuu miehistä. Naiset on erilaisia kun niillä on mies tai ei oo. Ja nyt näyttää siltä, että suurin osa kavereista on kaapannu joku miesvirus viimesen vuoden aikana. En mä oikeesti oo kiinnostunu lähtee juhlii kolmantena pyöränä, vaikka miten kiva poika oiski. Kyllä tekin ehkä syvällä muistatte miltä se tuntu, sillo.

Muutenki oon kipeenä. Oon syöny buranaa, mut olo ei tunnu paranevan. Äsken otin kolmioitaki, ni että uni tulis. Ja huomenna oon varmasti pois duunista, ei tää tästä parane. No loma tulee. Ja sitä kautta kesä lähempänä. Oisko kellää ehdotuksia kesäkuun puolelta väliltä: kuka lähtee mukaan Riikaan vaikka?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Es saucu tevi klusumā, Pylna - dzeive malu i tukšuma

Det är livet. I've been partying while I've been looking for flat to live. I will move soon again to the centre of Helsinki, just couple hundred meters from Parliament house. I've been listening latvian music, definately missing spring in Riga. The time when you came back home at 6 AM from somewhere where people have been fun, nice and loving. Alone streets with white light from morning sun. I miss that. I almost found it from Helsinki, but the buildings here are younger, different and the streets are too wide. That's the problem.

First time I found out that it's spring now was couple weeks ago when I came home from Club BongaBonga about 00:00. Street wasn't empty, but trees seemed to woke up. On same week black bird was singing in the yard of my school/work. Now the birches have opened their leaves, as wefor The All as maple trees and chestnut trees.

Last week went in parties of Eurovision. Monday though was Bar Loose's bday party. Went there with Riikka, Jenna and Ninni. Riikka's Otto came along as well. Thuesday was first time when I was invited to Latvian embassy. That was a party for Eurovision. Cocktails ;). Wednesday was for The Ark Warm up party. Thu and Fri I was checking out Senate Square party. Saw: Saimaa, 22-PP, Zarkus and The Crash. Sat was Eurovision Party at Anna and after-party in Royal Onnela, was there with Niina and Antti. Was interesting to meet new people. Mostly harmless :)

Yesterday we played card games with Sami, Niina and Antti. Something different than just drinking, what a healthy way of spending Sunday night. Now I should run to work. I am updating my mp3-player, to add some Latvian music. I think I go with Borowa MC.