Thursday, April 24, 2008


I've had inconsistent week. I've got sad news, but also good news. And own life is better than average.

Anyway, our loved grandad - pappa Pauli passed away on Tuesday evening, alone in the hospital room in Mikkeli. He was old, 87 yrs, and had various old people's diseases. Though it wasn't predictable, somehow it's relieving - thank you Pappa for all the things in life.

Tuesday was also my father's 55th birthday - that made the day even more inconsistent. I got congratulated my dad in late afternoon, and early evening Dad delivered the sad news to me.

More good news came with right to make "maturity exam", which is the last exam the finnish university student will do before graduating. I did it also on Tuesday. Yesterday was also fun, I was substitute teacher in school, music classes, it was just good: youngsters and I were training for Spring Festival (last school day 31th of May). The song was Let it be. We had drums, 2 synthesizer (violins) , 2 pianos and singer. All the kids more or less disabled. Sounded good once again.

Today I'm meeting my dear auntie (mom's sister) who is going to be 60 soon. She is still active in finance field, though she is retired. She has some meeting during morning and later on we will spend a nice day in the city, tomorrow more relaxing day in the city.

We will visit most probably museums: Amos Anderson museum has an exhibition about Pompeiji - its called Domus Pompeiana. Then there is possibilities to visit Museum of Cultures, where is an exhibition about Karelia:

"The extensive exhibition presents people living across Finland’s eastern border and the Finns’ relationship with them in the tumultuous 20th century. The history of the multicultural area and the destinies and identities of minorities continue to be topical issues in East Karelia as anywhere else in the world."

My friends has also suggested to visit The Finnish Museum of Photography. There is a exhibition of newspaper photos. Here is a good exemple what to wait.

Anyway, now I'm off to those places. Hopefully I get at least to some museum, not shopping all day.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Visiting doctor

It has been beautiful (+10degrees) days here in Helsinki. I've been much out of house, mainly walking around streets, getting lost in the neighbourhood. I've got nice brownish colour on my face, yeah, we all know: summer is slinking towards us here in the northern side of this fabulous globe.

Swimming, works and reading has took my days, I'm really enjoying life.

Today I went for my nose-throat-ear doctor (which is really nice woman, best ear-nose-throat doctor i've had). She showed me a good quality CT-scan pictures from my maxillary sinuses and frontal sinuses. Pics were nice though, showed that I don't have any air in there, which is normal case. Even left frontal sinus is full of something. So I am going under the knife. Which is good, because - at least I hope - it will take off the shitty pain from the face.

This is good news. I'm off again, sun's shining so I'll be out for some time.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Seems like

I've done lots of things since last post. I've been working (oh yeah) and dancing my legs off.

Me and my friend Marianna, went to the western classical music tradition (classical music) - concert, organized by state of Estonia. Estonian country celebrates it's 90th year of existence, not necessarily the independence, but existence over easier and more difficult years. The concert was full of feelings, different ones, and the best thing was high class orchestra with great pieces of compositions. There was of course music of great composers like Arvo Pärt and Jaan Rääts as well as some newer composers like Helena Tulve.

During the week we also had our sauna club -meeting, we have formed a group of women, who likes sauna evenings, the sauna part, not the drinking part. Normally we hook up together once in a month to explore public sauna's in Helsinki. We went to Arlan Sauna, which is quite similar to Kotiharjun (Harjun) Sauna also located in Kallio area. The steam was this time quite cool, but somehow perfect, we could sit in the sauna like hour or so, dipping in the middle with cold water, and then going back there again.

On our sauna club, there is about 5 members only: couple years back in time we spend Juhannus - Midsummer Fest in one members cottage, we had lots of food and some beer, good music from Radio Suomi (this one is full with music for all age, a bit from 50's-90's and a hint of this century). During that juhannus we warmed the sauna up at 16:00 and spend all the evening on the sauna cottage - sleeping around 3:00 (AM). It took lots of logs to burn, but it was just the best thing to do.

Later on this week I've been acting as a teacher, I made kids learn about Biology (we got through fungus and moss) and Physics (there we learn (me too!) about colours, how they work with different kind of filters and how the colours are full of energy - red colour is low energetic than others). There was also English lesson, where we had "After School" - words - like run, walk, watch TV, crispies and so on.

I took part to motor functions lesson: what is a lesson where the kids are tought for use their body more useful, as you might remember, I work with disabled kids, which means - some of them cannot control their body autonomously. It was interesting to see that even though they make small things daily (like trying to turn themselves from supine to one's side) during one year or even some months they can do it autonomously. It's a huge success for next years, whent they can try to learn some other thing to do.

Today I'm having free day. I'm going to eat lunch with Aura - we want to check out new thai-restaurant's lunch counter. Maybe we also plan for new trips (what we want to do all the time) and talk about coming weeks.

Weekend will be full of works - again. But its ok, I'm having too much free time now :)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, I woke up today to a phone call, and they asked me to join for team of the teachers of the school, where I used to work as an assisting disabled kids. First shift this week, next time in the beginning of May.

This is a challenge to learn more about teaching, but also a change to get a bit better pay (well, something more or less double from my now-a-days jobs). Kids will be easy, I've been hanging with the same people since dont remember it, so It's gonna work well.

At the same time, I will still work at Sanoma Corporation, but only the evenings, so It wont harm at all. I've been thinking -- after I delivered my thesis, that I should find something to do for next 1½ month...

I've just have had good luck during last months!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Joku yksinäinen etsijä (some lonely searcher)

I went for a job interview yesterday. Sounds good, looks good and before all... I would just work a bit - get to know how work life really is. From the school, where I have been working before, they also told that there might be possibilities to work from next fall again. But it wont help much, if the work starts in August.

Of course, financially being unemployee in Finland, is better than be student. So, at least I will give up for 1 year in Uni. Helsinki. I've to see something else than irrealistic stuff while studying.

I've been listening finnish singer-songwriter Ville Leinonen, who is btw, coming to play records/guitar to our last club organized by FOAM (Friends of Alternative Music). Leinonen btw is on tour in Germany, his new record is heavily influenced by finnish and russian folksongs. Before that he made a record full of schlagers (finnish/translated).

Today there is a plan to see one of my old time favourites as well, The Flaming Sideburns, which I most probably have seen the MOST often (i bet, the amount is now something 30+).

And now, I am at work, been here already one hour, it's quiet morning and now i should get that last essay ready to graduate from Uni. Tampere.

Until then - have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

a-g-a-b-a-g-a-g-f-d-f-c (what is this melody and where you can find it)

Seems like my personal difficult winter's gone and I am able to write in English again. Well, i kept continuing my blog here ( in Finnish for finnish readers.

For foreign readers, I have some news to tell, what has happened in last 6 months. I got seriously ill with my head (don't even read my last post on this blog during fall), which was just a sign from other illnesses. I got in dense examinations about my body, lots of blood test (more than 20 during 2 months), meetings with series of doctors - general ones, gynecologists, internal diseases doctors and I've met lots of nurses and laboratory staff. First they find out in endoscopy that there is something in my body which doesn't belong there. The gynecologist told this: We cannot be sure what it is, and that's why we need to take more exams.

The gynecologist examined the cushing's syndrome out of it first. Then I was send to hospital of gynaecology. They examined me again couple times with endoscopy (which is not so nice thing to do) and later on they made certain that my extension in my ovary is a tumor called dermoid cyst.

The care of dermoid cyst is an operation, which we decided not to take yet, because it would make me most probably _not so productive_ - I mean - fertile. Other of my ovary is suffering from PCOS. That is a biggest reason for women to be infertile.

Well, that is not all what I've done. I started with my MA-thesis at the same time with these examinations. And well, when I got comforting result about illnesses - one month more and I returned my MA-thesis. Which is, I could say - how many of you, my readers would be doing the same? Only my closest friends and mom and dad knew what I'm going through. Not my university teachers or studymates.

Now I am having a small - I don't know what to do - situation right here. No writing, no work at this time, home is well kept and I'm doing sports every day, but that takes only 1-2 hours. No money for travels.

But on Friday I am having job interview at local company, and it sounds good. I'm looking forward on it. But now, I keep on blogging here as well. I know some people would like to know more about happenings :)

And yeah, the subject of this blog-post today is straight from the melody of Love will tear us apart. By Joy Division.