Monday, January 22, 2007

Here comes the sun

I am still sick. I've been sleeping, cannot even think about going out. Listening lots of music. Reading couple of books. I bought from airport 2 books, other was about Varkaus in 1970's. Eppu Nuotio wrote it, name is Neitsytmatka.

So, I cannot tell anything new. I've been chatting (nice people still) and reading. And today I was talking with Viivi about old finnish movies. I remembered Kaunis Veera eli Balladi Saimaalta -movie. Its my favourite. :)

Btw, I went out on friday and saturday, to gigs, which were nice, but i wasnt aware that I'm sick still (havent checked out temperature) -- so I can honestly say, that I dont remember any special stuff from the evenings, I saw Goon and Tesa again. Tesa is quite similar to Callisto or Plain Fade, and it sounds interesting. They have this shortmovie behind their concert going, and it makes music even more powerful.

This all today. I keep chatting.

1 comment:

Riikka said...

Kas, minäkin olin kipeänä maanantaina. Ja tiistaina ja keskiviikkona, sitten sain muun muassa matokuurin :) Että kai tää tästä...koeta parantua. Lepokin tekee kyllä hyvää!