Tuesday, January 09, 2007

things I want to remember

Holiday is getting to the end. My plane leaves on next Monday (which means, one more week to go!). Here is the stuff which we're the things for me until now.

I met my relatives, and animals which belongs to the family. This is not a legendary Albert nor Riski. This is Aro, only female-dog who I know now a days. We're quite good friends in fact - at least if I give her some food. This pic is taken at my dad's, where Aro was on daycare. And the day was 22nd of Dec, shortest day on year.

Can you Imagine. I saw snow, I saw a bright short day on 22nd of Dec. The beach is from my dad's and yes, it is one of the greatest place to spend summer days and nights. Two meters from left to the position where I took this photo is a terrace, and 4meters more, and you will be in Sauna. Guess a couple of times what I miss now!

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