Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Holiday

Haha, I had to see the film, The Holiday, just because I wanted to see, how JACK BLACK gots a lady. Funny and warm-minded movie, though nothing special. My holidays are not so shiny either full of happenings, I think, this year I will just sleep and eat and walk a bit with Alpo-dog and play some games, if we get one for xmas-present, like every year before this. Otherwise we have to find old games like Monopoly, Alias, Scrabble, Instinct, Star of Africa, President-game (where you can be Urho Kekkonen), Cluedo, Mystery of Peking and most of all: DRACULA-game, which is really scary if you play it with the cousins. You can not know who lies behind your back!

I am listening Radio Helsinki, the best radio in the world. They're playing some cool saturday afternoon songs and I was planning to clean up in the kitchen. Tomorrow then my own room and on monday livingroom and hallway. For tuesday I leave bathroom, so Ivan and Gunta can come to quite clean flat. My flatmate is also changing, from beginning of January I will live here with Jeena, she is also finnish student and living right now in Helsinki.

Anyway, all the friends are sleeping, I think I will walk to the center after cleaning and check out whether I find this Chaks old poem-book Sirds uz trotuaara (Heart to pavement). It's a compilation full of poems to Riga and it's streets. Really beautiful stuff. And Latvians of my age doesn't like it at all. Is it something? I don't know why they want to forget all. They don't all even know that there is a Spilve. Or or or. It's the people. I love the city.

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