Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Things that Matter

I don't know - today I've been thinking three things: 1) Stolen credit-card numbers, 2) "academic" versus "normal" people and 3) KELA (why it haven't been paying my living cost help money yet).

So, probably some idiot asshole stole lots of credit card information from Kartenhaus.de - I bought Deftones ticket from there last spring. Concert was great, small arena and nice beer and nice host (thanks Annette!). But now I probably need to close my credit card. I will go to bank later today, so let's see and hear later.

I have get too much of academic talks lately. Studying in University doesn't make people anyhow more wiser nor better than not studying. I know some people who almost despise all the others, who are not studying (in the Uni, because in the Uni there is SOOO MUCH wiser and cooler people, only people who has brain!). It doesn't have to be accentuated that we have this and that cultural club where only the wise brainly academic people can join. Bullshit! I've met lot more wiser and cooler and delicate and witty people, who have never ever been in Uni (or any other school after high-school, one of these is Norwegian fella Björn! Ok, this doesn't mean that I think that I am studying without any sense and goal, but hey c'mon. Life is so much various than...

KELA stuff is just whining about money. I can do it and I can also live one month with 40e (after bills). So who cares.

Today to the Lithuanian lesson (I wanna learn some nice words, like Myliu! :D)

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