Sunday, July 08, 2007

Blogging for fun

Ohnoes. It's boring day so I have time to join for this blog-chain.

"Mukaan haastetut kertovat 7 satunnaista faktaa/tapaa itsestään sekä pelin säännöt omassa blogissaan. Sitten heidän tulee haastaa 7 muuta bloggaria mukaan ja ilmoittaa haastettujen nimet. Heidän tulee myös jättää kommentti asiasta ko. henkilöiden blogeihin, jotta nämä tietävät ottaa osaa peliin, ja että he löytävät ohjeet omasta blogistasi."

-- I should do a list of 7 things, which are facts or kind of habits - about me. I have to put rules for this chain to my blog, so here it comes.

1. I was totally grievous while I was a kid: just because my family and relatives did had a habit of celebrating name days. Of course, I didn't had any. All my sisters and cousins get presents and 2 days to celebrate their existence. I had only one, and I remember while my little sister Annika had name day once (I think I was about 3-4 yrs old), all the relatives came to celebrate. I kept asking when my name day is, and my father just asked me to keep quiet. I cried on that evening. I got my name day when I was 18. Now it is on 19th of November.

2. I wasn't supposed to go exchanging to Latvia twice. Second time was an accident.

3. I've seen Walk the Line movie in theather about 7 times. It's not even the best movie I've seen, but I really consider it as a most entertaining.

4. I can do a crisis about anything and I forgot it in a minute.

5. I cannot imagine a day without music. I listen it almost all the time while I am at home, I would listen it all the time, if my mp3 player would work.

6. I don't get angry easily. But If I get mad, you would not like to be around me. I have wrenched a door with a lock off at my childhood home because my little brother was hiding there. I have also hit a guy because he was too sexists.

7. People think me as nice and lightful person who laughs a lot, but in fact I am miserable, mousy, dejected and too solicitous. And if I laugh the laughter comes from my wry sense of seeing things.

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